Covid-19 Risk assessment

We are Shoeaholics, a trading name of Kurt Geiger Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales at Companies House. Our registered office is 24 Britton Street, London, EC1M 5UA, United Kingdom and our registered number is 968046. Our VAT number is 649691680.


Who Can be Harmed and How Control Measures in Place to Manage Risk
Team members attending the workplace and spreading the virus to anyone in the workplace. Only team members who cannot work from home will be permitted to attend the store.The minimum number of team members to run the store safely and efficiently will be permitted to work.Those that are required to attend will follow all measures in this assessment.Each employee will be required to complete a Return to Work COVID-19 Questionnaire, confirming they are fit and healthy to return.Team members who wish to wear face coverings will be supported and given guidance on using them safely. These will be supplied by Kurt Geiger.
Team members attending the workplace at the same time leading to an increased risk of virus spread. All shifts will start after 10:00 to help team members avoid rush hour traffic.All stores will operate only for the duration of one shift (9 hours) to ensure the there is no cross over with other team members.Team members managing the store will be grouped together where possible to ensure they work together.Lifts will only be used by team members or customers who need them for access with a limit to 1 person at a time.Disposable gloves will be available for team members to wear during shifts if they wish to.Staff members will be expected to wear a face mask at all times while they are in store.Hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance to the store.
Visitors, contractors, customers, or any non-employee attending the workplace and potentially spreading the virus. CustomersThe number of customers allowed in the store at any one time will be limited. The limit will be calculated based on store size with one customer permitted per 15 square meters of space.A designated employee will manage the customers coming in and out of the store to ensure the limit is not exceeded.Customers entering the store will be encouraged to give way to those leaving.No cash payments will be permitted, card payments only.Measures that have been implemented will be monitored in the first few days and adjusted if necessary.Customers are strongly encouraged to adhere to all latest government guidelines regarding wearing a facemask in shops Planned VisitorsOnly essential visitors will be permitted to attend the workplace. Discussions will be had with contractors to determine if works can be undertaken outside of normal hours. The time visitors are on site will be limited to only what is necessary. Any non-employee visiting site will recorded in the visitors log with contact details in case contacts of a virus victim need to be traced.All visitors will be given a specific briefing on the measures they are expected to follow whilst in store.Hosts of visitors will be made aware of their new COVID-19 specific responsibilities. In Bound DeliveriesWhere possible deliveries will be scheduled so that multiple deliveries are not happening at the same time.Team members will be discouraged from ordering anything non-work related and having it delivered to the workplace.Larger orders will be placed for routine items to reduce the number of deliveries.Delivery drivers will have access to welfare facilities if required.
Team members or non-team members catching the virus because the layout of the workplace / furniture does not allow for 2m separation. Customer Accessible AreasQueuing to access the store for products will be modified and 2m hotspots will be marked on the floor to help customers maintain social distancing.A protective screen will be installed in front of each till point.Customer seating for trying on shoes will be reviewed. Seats will be moved apart if possible. If not team members will advise customers to ensure a 2m distance is maintained.Queuing to pay for products will be modified and 2m hotspots will be marked on the floor to help customers maintain social distancing.Modifying the layout will consider reasonable adjustments made for those who need them, including disabled customers.WorkstationsThe office workstation is used by the store manager, if anyone else is required to use the workstation it will be cleaned before and afterwards.
Team members coming into work with symptoms of Coronavirus potentially spreading the virus to anyone on site. Team members are advised not to come in and to self-isolate where they or someone in their household have symptoms of coronavirus as advised by the government.Managers to ensure that they remain up to date on government guidelines and business updates as the guidance may change.Managers to send anyone home who is showing symptoms to self-isolate including themselves. After sending them home HR and Ross Warden must be informed as soon as possible.The workstation or any specific area of work affected will be immediately and thoroughly cleaned ensuring the minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) is worndisposable gloves, disposable mask, and apron. Waste associated with the cleaning will be secured and marked until it is confirmed if the employee has a confirmed case.Areas where a symptomatic person has passed through will be cleaned as normal.
Spread of Coronavirus to anyone in the workplace due to the virus being left on surfaces potentially spreading the virus. CleaningThe workplace will be cleaned prior to re-opening.Specific cleaning will be undertaken with anti-viral spray on: - Surfaces that are touched regularly such as doors, tills, handrails, lifts, cash desk, chip and pin machines, kitchen and bathroom surfaces. - Screens installed at point of transaction.More waste facilities will be provided, and waste will be disposed of more frequently in the normal manner.General MeasuresWhen a customer has used a non-contactless payment the chip and pin machine will be wiped before next use.Posters will be displayed in team member bathrooms to give guidance on hand washing.
Team members who are clinically vulnerable, clinically extremely vulnerable, expectant mothers, or have a protected characteristic Managers will have discussions with everyone in their team who is clinically extremely vulnerable, clinically vulnerable, an expectant mother, or who has a protected characteristic.Any employee that is considered clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable must not return to work until advised otherwise.If working from home is not possible then a specific assessment will be undertaken for that individual and measures implemented.
Spread of Coronavirus due to handling of goods, merchandising or any other materials All colleagues will wear disposable gloves when serving customers.All boxes will be kept in the stockroom during the try-on process – ensuring customers only come into contact with the actual product and not the packaging.Customers will have to wear pop-socks (which will be provided) if they are not wearing their own socks / tights when trying on a product.Products that were tried on, but not purchased by a customer shall be cleaned with anti-bacteria wipes and quarantined for 24 hours.Customers will be encouraged to use hand sanitiser before trying on a product.Carrier bags will not be passed hand to hand; they will be placed beside the cash desk for the customer to take.Returns will be stored separately from displayed merchandise and shall be cleaned with anti-bacteria wipes and quarantined for 24 hours.
Spread of the virus to anyone in the workplace due to poor hygiene facilities. Handwashing facilities will be available including water, soap, paper towels or hand dryers.Extra stocks will be held to ensure an uninterrupted supply.Hand sanitiser and tissues will be placed in multiple locations throughout the workplace including: - At the entrance for customer use - At the tillsBathrooms will be closed to customers
Spread of the virus to anyone in the workplace due to food preparation and taking breaks. Food PreparationTeam members are encouraged to bring in their own pre-prepared food into the workplace.Kitchen surfaces will be cleaned before and after any food preparation.BreaksBreaks will be staggered to avoid crowding.Team members will be encouraged to take breaks on site and if they are to go off site to maintain social distancing.A reminder will be given to team members to respect social distancing when on breaks, in smoking areas etc.
Team members and non-team members not following measures as they are unaware of what is required. The findings of this risk assessment will be published on the external and internal website.Managers will brief their teams both before re-occupation and on the first day back.Signage will be displayed in the following areas as a reminder of the measures in place: - Entrance / exit to the workplace - Shop floor – reminders of 2 metre social distancing - Welfare facilities. - Cash Desk – “Card payment only”Floor markings will clearly show 2m separation and one-way systems.
Manual Handling of goods requiring a team of two or more, potentially increasing the likelihood of spreading the virus. Manual Handling requiring a team lift will be avoided so far as reasonably practicable.Where it is unavoidable the activity will be specifically risk assessed.


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Who Can be Harmed and How Control Measures in Place to Manage Risk
Team members may be anxious in returning to work due to the increased risk of contracting coronavirus. Clear, consistent, and regular communication will be given to team members to ensure they understand the measures in place to protect them.Team members will be consulted with on measures that affect their health and safetyTeam members will be reminded of the retail trust.
Team members dealing with challenging domestic situations leading to an increase in stress levels. Managers will have discussions with their teams before re-occupation to understand the challenges some team members may face and determine what measures can be put into place to give support.



Who Can be Harmed and How Control Measures in Place to Manage Risk
Increased fire risk to those in the workplace due to measure in place to manage COVID-19. Genuine fire evacuations will be completed as usual with social distancing maintained as best as possible.Those required to provide assistance to others must ensure they wash hands immediately afterwards.


Violent & Agression 

Who Can be Harmed and How Control Measures in Place to Manage Risk
Team members may be subject to verbal and physical abuse from customers due to COVID-19 measures. Clear signage will be displayed alongside communication from team members at the to ensure customers understand what is required of them.Any customers not willing to follow the measures will be not permitted to enter or asked to leave if they are already in the store.Any incidents of violence and aggression will be recorded and reported in the normal manner.



Who Can be Harmed and How Control Measures in Place to Manage Risk
Increased risk if team members are exposed to COVID-19 and legionella bacteria from water systems. Legionella risk assessment and management plan will be reviewed prior to re-occupying the store.